Photo credit: Mike Petrucci of
How Do You Define Success?
It is amazing how everyone is writing about how to achieve success…” The Seven Steps to Sustainable Success” “Success on Your Terms”, “Success is just Four Steps Away”, “How to Be Successful in 30 Days”…and on, and on, and on ad nauseum.
The Internet has made an industry out of the “Big Success Con”! What’s sad is the number of people who fall for it. Success can be defined and achieved in many ways, and they all involve discipline, hard work, and vision, not get rich in 10 days with no effort.
You may have heard successful people being interviewed like I have. I always look for the honest ones who say something like, “I’m a 10 year overnight success”. It takes time for a business plan to plant the seeds of growth and nurture them into a successful entity. Oh sure, there are those who have an idea and the marketing cash, and maybe the established celebrity to bring it to a successful launch and produce an overnight success, but they are few and far between.
Most need to follow well defined paths utilizing methods like my TRIP Technique ™ to earn success the old-fashioned way. No government handout or get rich quick scheme ever come with anything but disappointment in the end.
How you define what success will look like for you is uber important to getting started on the right foot. Does it mean $100,000 in sales in the first year? Does it involve having a monthly net revenue o $50,000? Would you like to have 100 employees producing a product that meets a shipping goal of 25,000 units a month?
Working backwards from your stated definition will tell you how much time, effort, investment, and good luck will bring you safely to your vision. All of that will involve tenacity, resilience, imagination, and a strong sense of purpose for everyone involved to make it happen. It might happen in six months, or twelve or twenty-four, but with a clear vision and implementation of TRIP it will happen.
If you’re a one-man shop it may take a little longer. Hire an assistant as soon as you can and delegate well to make the machine efficient and grow from there. You can’t do everything yourself; you will burn out and fail.
Look for ways to use TRIP in your daily planning and long-term goals. Take care of yourself physically to stay mentally sharp. When you are healthy you will make a good leader and others will want to follow your example. Eat right, get plenty of rest and exercise, and take time off to enjoy life along the way.
Remember to take a TRIP for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime!
In the end, it’s one man’s opinion…mine!