Keith's Tenacity Blog

Teams using TRIP!
By Keith Renninson April 7, 2023
This is the second in a series of four on team building with TRIP. Remember, in my last blog I shared that it would be performed in reverse with “purpose” first and now we will implement the “imagination” section. Imagination is probably the most fun of the character traits of TRIP. I love it because I can immerse myself in creativity and play!
Team building
By Keith Renninson March 28, 2023
How can TRIP help with team building you ask? By using it backwards! Huh? Yup, we will start with “Purpose” instead of Tenacity. The series will move from purpose to imagination, to resilience, and lastly to tenacity. When you look at TRIP from this reverse perspective it becomes clear that it flows naturally in team building and task completion. As with any project you must know your purpose first, so that’s where we will start.
Man working
By Keith Renninson March 6, 2023
When you search for the attributes for a great leader you get a very long list of things like trusting, honesty, selflessness, empathy, adaptability, integrity and authenticity. While these are all good things to strive for, I think they should include being: • A Tenacious communicator • A Resilient planner • An Imaginative innovator • A Purpose driven leader. Of course, the type of industry sometimes dictates how a leader should present themselves. I had the good fortune to work summers under my Father’s leadership at an explosives factory while going to college. Yes, you read that right, it was a dynamite manufacturing facility.
Man lifting weights
By Keith Renninson February 28, 2023
I’m sure I’m like you in that when you set your mind to something, you work hard to make it happen. Setting a goal and intending to reach it takes both tenacity and resilience. They are a very powerful combination.
Tenacity baseball  cap
By Keith Renninson February 19, 2023
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed my closing line: “Take a TRIP for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime!” I’ve had several compliments on it because for those who live the TRIP lifestyle it is meaningful.
An adventure memoir
By Keith Renninson February 13, 2023
Memories help us keep things in perspective. We won’t always succeed, but we won’t always fail either. There has to be a duality, a balance if you will, to our lives with good and bad, ups and downs, and happy and sad. It’s all in how we look at our mission in life, what is our purpose and how do we want to satisfy it.
TRIP Technique Assessment
By Keith Renninson February 7, 2023
I’m excited to announce that my original TRIP Technique Assessment is now being offered to the public free of charge! I made the decision because I want to make both the exam and the results available to a broader range of people. The results come with a month of weekly follow-up videos to help all participants raise their awareness and effectiveness in the TRIP character traits.
By Keith Renninson January 18, 2023
Last week my blog focused on four ways to stay motivated enough to complete your New Years resolutions. That topic stirred some curiosity about how we humans are motivated. My research brought up a lot of data, but it all boiled down to: Are you motivated intrinsically or extrinsically?
New Year's Resolutions
By Keith Renninson December 30, 2022
It helps if I tie it to a reward, like, if I make five contracts to speak at events, I will take five days off on a special vacation. If the vacation spot is in Costa Rica or the Mexican Riviera where I can snorkel, go hiking, or maybe a zip line (my favorite!) I get excited and really go to work. This type of planning makes my tenacity kick in because I’m jazzed to go.
Big, huge, ugly truck!
By Keith Renninson December 19, 2022
We had heard from the man who owned the teahouse that we rented our room from and often ate at that there was a scheduled Tata truck that would go down to Bhaktapur to retrieve supplies and return. Finding out when, where and who would help us get a ride was the hard part.
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