Photo credit: Keith Renninson
Tenacity-An Adventure Memoir
Many of you who have written to me about my book have all echoed the same thought, that it was a book of memories, and it was. The whole time I was lost and after, I had a lifetime of memories float through my mind. Memories of triumphs and ones of failures.
Memories help us keep things in perspective. We won’t always succeed, but we won’t always fail either. There has to be a duality, a balance if you will, to our lives with good and bad, ups and downs, and happy and sad. It’s all in how we look at our mission in life, what is our purpose and how do we want to satisfy it.
Life is most definitely an adventure, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Every morning I awaken with a sense of adventure of what lies ahead in the next 24 hours. I always “intend” to have a successful day, completing whatever tasks I’ve laid out the night before. Intentions are like goals with the exception that we expect them to turn out the way we want. Have you ever intended a great parking place near the front door of an appointment, only to arrive just as a car pulls out giving you that space you wanted? I have, you should try it, it works on restaurant tables, quickly healing an injury, and many other things. Intention can also be part of your purpose/mission.
I hope that many of you who haven’t read my book will get a copy, you may be inspired to take an adventure of your own…with the intention of positive growth and excitement!
Remember to take a TRIP for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime!