Photo Credit to Karina Lago of
TRIP TIP #34 “Bring Clarity to Your Purpose!”
Hi, this is Keith Renninson “The Tenacity Expert”
professional speaker & author of the award-winning book “Tenacity, You Don’t Have to Get Lost in Nepal to Find Yourself, But it Helps!” Here’s a link if you’d like a copy: ( ).
I’m here with my next installment of my TRIP Tips for the financial services professional. Remember that TRIP is an acronym for TENACITY, RESILIENCE, IMAGINATION, AND PURPOSE. So, lets’ get started!
To understand yourself and what drives you, strive for clarity in your thoughts. Being disciplined in how you think; not letting your mind wander and staying on topic will help you find clarity in purpose. There are times that you can let your mind dance around from topic to topic, but when you are doing concentrated thinking, be as clear and focused as you can.
Clarity is essential in coming to decisions or to a plan of action.
I am someone who overthinks everything! It’s just in my nature to look at a problem from every possible angle and to some extent that’s good, but when it becomes overwhelming, it’s not. Overthinking isn’t as productive as you might think, (no pun intended) it gives you a foggy, cluttered mind. That’s why I started meditating regularly after I got lost in Nepal. Learning to regulate your thoughts with purpose and frequency trains your mind to prepare an orderly method of thinking.
We’ve discussed meditation in these TRIP Tips before, but not as it concerns purpose. Meditation with a purpose, often about purpose, will bring focus and transparency that is more easily implemented. The more you meditate the more you will discover discipline in your thinking. Think of Mr. Spock of the Star Trek TV series; his was a very disciplined mind almost to the point of being absurd. His Vulcan race valued clarity, accuracy, and unemotional thought. I don’t think we can go that far, but it gives you the idea about how we can gain self-control over our minds if we really try…maybe.
In the last TRIP Tip we talked about how planning eliminates stress and provides purpose, to that end, I’d like to recommend a website and author on this topic that I think you will appreciate: Catherine provides a thought provoking approach to mindfulness and purpose.
Well, that’s it for this installment, I hope you have some new ideas on how to proceed. Remember to take a TRIP for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime.
See you next time, and in the meantime, ask yourself the hard questions about your purpose in life, your life philosophy if you will, and see what the answers look like. Once you do this, you’re ready to ask them of your clients.