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When Do You Just Give Up Trying?

Keith Renninson • May 7, 2022

Photo Credit:  Johnny Cohen of

When Do You Just Give Up Trying?


I know that most of the time, I write here in this blog about positivity, moving forward with gusto and verve, but what happens when you’ve given a project or prospective client everything that should have led to success, and it just isn’t happening?

So often our business culture pushes beyond our normal boundaries because that’s supposedly what truly successful people do, right? Well, maybe not.

During my long career in the financial services industry, there were many times that I felt that if I’d stuck with a prospect just a little longer, came up with a unique strategy or product to meet their needs I would have been rewarded in the end with a contract. Sometimes it worked, most often it didn’t. Why?

There are a lot of reasons why some deals fall through:

·       Competition is stiff

·       Pricing doesn’t fit their budget

·       Personalities clash

·       Market changes

·       Different benefits

This list could go on for several pages because in the end, you can’t please everyone. 

My purpose with this blog is to help people find how they can use tenacity, resilience, imagination, and purpose to find a way to fulfillment, freedom, and fun in business and in life. But (you knew there had to be a but, right?) the reality of many situations is that you aren’t going to satisfy your prospect in some small way, that someone else will.

This goes for personal relationships as well. Have you ever lost a friendship that wasn’t a good fit for you or the other person?  Sure, you have, it’s part of life and it can be hard to accept. We often want someone badly, but they aren’t into you. There was a rom/com movie that came out in 2009 called “He’s Just Not That Into You”. It was funny and real. You lose someone that you had your heart set on, but if you are patient, a new someone comes along and takes their place…the same applies in business. 

If you keep enough prospects in the pipeline, when one fails to materialize, the next one just might go through. Sales started out as a numbers game and that’s still the case, in business and your love life.

Are there cases where my TRIP Technique™ will succeed? Of course, I can remember many situations where I went the extra mile and got the sale because I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. When that isn’t the case, you don’t really give up so much as, you move on to the next possibility.

Remember, that in business, you are building relationships that will last and be strong, filled with repeat business, and referrals. In personal relationships, we are all looking for that partner who will stand by our side through thick and thin and they are harder to find, but oh so worth it in the long run.

Remember to take a TRIP for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime.

In the end, it’s just one man’s opinion, mine!



Keith Renninson's Tenacity Blog

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