TRIP TIP #9 “Don't Marry Yourself to Just One Outcome, Be Flexible!”
Hi, this is Keith Renninson “The Tenacity Expert”
professional speaker & author of “Tenacity, You Don’t Have to Get Lost in Nepal to Find Yourself, But it Helps!” with my next installment of my TRIP Tips for the financial services professional.
So, let’s get started!
It's often hard to swallow when you've placed all of your energy into a certain result only to see it change or evaporate. But, more often than not, something better comes along to replace it. This happened to me with a woman who I thought was just right for me and I had my heart set on having a long, loving relationship with her. She had other ideas and I wasn't part of them. It was bittersweet when that didn't work out, but new prospects brightened my attitude.
The same holds true with any business endeavor. If you are the innovator of a new vision, you often have to redesign as you go along, as you encounter new problems that require new solutions. Those new solutions my very well be a diversion to a better product that was originally targeted.
Being flexible is key. Watching something grow from your initial thoughts into a sparkling new product or plan is fascinating and beautiful. Being open to new ways to approach it is also part of the adventure.
Listen to your clients for clues of what makes them happy, and adjust your plan for them accordingly. Your original plan may have to change to meet their needs. Needs analysis is there for a reason and it will set you free! Free to clearly hear what your clients and sometimes your team are saying that will give you insight to another route, with another outcome that is more in line with what they want to see happen.
Being rigid will build a house of cards that will crumble if you aren’t careful. Being flexible opens the door to more research and creativity.
Tenacity is the character trait that keeps you searching for the best fit of plan and client.
Just like in a marriage, being open to new and different ways to see things allows for longevity instead of an early divorce.
Well, that’s it for this installment, I hope you have some new ideas on how to proceed.
Remember to take a TRIP for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime.
See you next time, and in the meantime be flexible!